The Beautiful Green Color Gemstone :- Peridot


The Peridot is an olivine family gemstone, also known as the “gem of the sun” and “chrysolite”. The origin of the name comes from the French word ‘Faridat’ and ‘Paederot’. The Peridot is the traditional classic August month gemstone and the rock that commemorates the 16th marriage anniversary. Peridot is one of the few gemstones that occur in only one color an olive-green. Due to their vibrant color in low light, they’ve also taken on the name and notoriety as the “Evening Emerald”.

Gem miners find Peridot as rounded rocks with Peridot crystals inside in some lava flows in the United States, China, Vietnam, Finland, and Myanmar.

Healing Properties of Peridot:-

Peridot is believed to bring good health, restful sleep and peace to relationships by balancing emotions and mind. This friendly bright green stone also has the unworldly ability to inspire eloquence and creativity. It also brings delight and good cheer. Peridot strengthens the immune system, metabolism and benefits the skin.

How to care this stone:-

We all know minding for your jewelry is imperative, and that includes drawing those statement jewelry pieces. Like other rocks, it’s important to keep your Peridot jewelry down from your other rocks. It’s also important to stay down from extreme heat sources like radiators or fire. Dragged ages in the sun have implicit to damage Peridot rock jewelry. Other substances that have vested to damage the Peridot include hot water and acids.

How to Clean Peridot Jewelry:-

The best way to clean Peridot jewelry is with warm soap and water. Dip a lint-free, soft, non-abrasive cloth or jewelry cloth in a warm water and soap combination. Gently rub your piece and then rinse with another cloth dipped in plain water. Once washed, carefully dry and place it in a jewelry box wrapped in a soft cloth.

